Right, there are currently no mappings in sword-tools.  This is where we
traditionally have kept our versification definitions, which I believe
is shared between SWORD and JSword.  We have tools to check and convert
these data files to our respective requirements in our software:


My suggestion was for us to eventually, if we can agree on a mapping
definition format, to keep those somewhere near the versification
mappings, for sharing in the same way.


On 5/10/20 11:30 AM, Костя Маслюк wrote:
> Sorry I do not remember all details of previous discussions, I have
> seen some text data with verse to verse mappings on last discussions,
> but I cant remember where. I would be happy if we approve cannon
> definition with mappings that is appropriate for JSword, for Sword
> cannon_*.h files ill be generated from them anyway, I would write such
> python converter or process existing data to that format.
> Could you point me where sword-tools contain mapping definitions, I do
> not see.
> Blessings.
> *From: *Troy A. Griffitts <mailto:scr...@crosswire.org>
> *Sent: *10 мая 2020 г. 20:53
> *To: *SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum
> <mailto:sword-devel@crosswire.org>
> *Subject: *Re: [sword-devel] Versification Mapping (SWORD + JSword)
> Applied.  Thank you Костя!
> Do you remember if there was a particular obstacle preventing us from
> sharing mapping data between SWORD and JSword.  It's been so long and
> I wasn't deeply involved in those discussion.  It sure would be nice
> to keep these these mapping definitions in sword-tools in some format
> from which both SWORD and JSword can generate their necessary data
> structures.
> Blessings.  Hope you've been well.
> On 5/10/20 9:23 AM, Костя Маслюк wrote:
>     Hi! All cannon files you mentioned are used to know, the only case
>     is nrsva that was not finished probably because base v11n, nrsv
>     was left for testing. I will review that v11ns again, in month or
>     two.
>     By the way I see following patches not applied.
>     And it will be super helpful if someone point me the texts best to
>     compare, for base v11n I use KJVA, but I do not sure about text to
>     use for NRSVA (NRSV too)
>     Blessings
>     *From: *Troy A. Griffitts <mailto:scr...@crosswire.org>
>     *Sent: *6 мая 2020 г. 22:28
>     *To: *sword-devel@crosswire.org
>     <mailto:sword-devel@crosswire.org>; Костя Маслюк
>     <mailto:kostyamasl...@gmail.com>
>     *Subject: *Re: [sword-devel] Versification Mapping (SWORD + JSword)
>     Dear John, Jamie, and Костя,
>     First, I want to say that DM Smith has also a versification
>     mapping implementation in JSword, which was, and likely still is a
>     foundational part of STEP.  I don't know if STEP uses JSword's
>     versification mapping facility or if it implements its own.  There
>     were collaboration efforts around July 2014 to get SWORD and
>     JSword to use the same data sources, but I am not sure how that
>     ended up.
>     I don't remember all the details of Костя's representation for a
>     mapping system, but we pushed pretty hard to have it handle most
>     all scenarios and doing a quick search it looks like Костя and
>     others have built mappings for these systems:
>     [scribe@localhost include]$ grep -l mapping sword/include/canon*
>     canon_calvin.h
>     canon_darbyfr.h
>     canon_nrsv.h
>     canon_segond.h
>     canon_synodal.h
>     canon_vulg.h
>     If you are familiar with mapping systems (and it sounds like John
>     and Jamie all are) and have a look at the mapping data in any of
>     the above files as examples, I am sure you will understand how
>     Костя is representing data for his implementation.
>     All this to say, it would be really great if any of you might be
>     interested in contributing mapping data to our other supported
>     versification systems which don't yet have the mapping implemented:
>     [scribe@localhost include]$ grep -L mapping sword/include/canon_*
>     canon_abbrevs.h <- ignore this one
>     canon_catholic2.h
>     canon_catholic.h
>     canon_german.h
>     canon_kjva.h
>     canon_leningrad.h
>     canon_luther.h
>     canon_lxx.h
>     canon_mt.h
>     canon_nrsva.h
>     canon_null.h
>     canon_orthodox.h
>     canon_synodalprot.h
>     http://crosswire.org/svn/sword/trunk/include/
>     It would be a blessing to me and everyone who uses the engine.
>     Serving together,
>     Troy
>     On 5/6/20 10:20 AM, John Dudeck wrote:
>         Greetings,
>         I have done quite a bit of content development for Logos,
>         including Bibles that had versifications that did not fit any
>         existing schemes in Logos.
>         Logos uses "verse maps", which are xml files that specify the
>         mapping of every verse in a particular versification to every
>         verse in each other versification. If a particular whole book
>         matches the versification of some other existing
>         versification, the verse map for that book can simply
>         reference the existing versification. In use, the software is
>         also able to infer mappings when going between two
>         versifications that aren't referenced directly.  The verse
>         maps have to be validated before they are incorporated, to
>         avoid conflicting mappings.
>         The verse maps can handle such things as verses that are split
>         differently in different versifications, and the headings in
>         Psalms.
>         The downside of their system is that the verse maps have to be
>         hard-compiled into a release of the software. They are not
>         pluggable. I think pluggable verse maps is on their list of
>         enhancements, but as far as I know the feature has never been
>         developed. Maybe they aren't smart enough to figure it out. I
>         don't know that I could figure it out either.
>         John
>         Hi Tobias,
>         Remember that any libraries for STEP Bible would likely be
>         oriented towards JSword rather than SWORD per se.
>         David
>         Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
>         On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 17:04, Tobias Klein
>         <cont...@tklein.info <mailto:cont...@tklein.info>> wrote:
>         Hi Jamie,
>         Thanks. I had a look at the data, that’s quite complex! Even a
>         bit intimidating ...
>         I suppose STEPBible has some library functions that parse this
>         data?
>         Can you point me to any APIs?
>         Best regards,
>         Tobias
>         Am 06.05.2020 um 15:04 schrieb Jamie <a...@critos.co.uk
>         <mailto:a...@critos.co.uk>>:
>         Hi Tobias,
>         Not sure that this exactly answers your question, but just in
>         case it’s relevant, Tyndale House have various public domain
>         information available, including material on alternative
>         versification schemes.  The reversification material gives
>         details of how to map LXX, MT and Vulgate schemes on to NRSVA
>         (and also addresses some other schemes which are perhaps less
>         frequently encountered).  It also caters for common variants
>         which basically follow one of these schemes, but which have
>         certain verses split up into subverses.  You can find the data
>         at :-
> https://github.com/tyndale/STEPBible-Data/blob/master/TVTMS%20-%20Tyndale%20Versification%20Traditions%20with%20Methodology%20for%20Standardisation%20for%20Eng%2BHeb%2BLat%2BGrk%2BOthers%20-%20TyndaleHouse.com%20STEPBible.org%20CC%20BY-NC.txt
>         If you do want to make use of it, I’d be very happy to try to
>         answer any questions.
>         Regards,
>         ARA “Jamie” Jamieson
>         *From:* Tobias Klein [ mailto:cont...@tklein.info ] 
>         *Sent:* 05 May 2020 21:19
>         *To:* SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum <
>         sword-devel@crosswire.org <mailto:sword-devel@crosswire.org> >
>         *Subject:* [sword-devel] Versification Mapping
>         Hi,
>         I would like to ask a question that I was planning to ask for
>         a while already ... 
>         What's the recommended solution of mapping different
>         versification systems?
>         And what working implementations for this are already out there?
>         I realize that my understanding of versifications has been a
>         bit limited and that's visible in Ezra Project's
>         implementation of the mapping. I am currently only
>         differentiating between two versification systems, namely the
>         English versification (used in most/all (?) English
>         translations) and the Hebrew versification (used in most
>         modern German translations).
>         It's been a few years since I looked into this and I think
>         this has been my source (SBL Handbook of Style)
> https://books.google.de/books?id=M_upBwAAQBAJ&pg=PA265&lpg=PA265&dq=appendix+english/hebrew/greek+versification&source=bl&ots=CXVR0J6YrI&sig=ACfU3U3hEIPgNxmmUQW1kZJaRAtHl78L-g&hl=de&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwilyoPUwp3pAhUrzqYKHVk4BtIQ6AEwAXoECAYQAQ#v=onepage&q=appendix%20english%2Fhebrew%2Fgreek%20versification&f=false
>         My current approach in Ezra Project to map between English and
>         Hebrew versification is the following:
>         ·         I use "absolute verse numbers" in each book.
>         ·         I have mapping tables that basically define offsets
>         for the "absolute verse numbers" (see implementation here
> <https://github.com/tobias-klein/ezra-project/blob/master/models/versereference.js#L177>).
>         ·         The versification (currently only English or Hebrew)
>         of the respective translation is detected based on some simple
>         dynamic tests when opening it.
>         ·         I have functions to convert between one and the
>         other "absolute verse numbers" based on the mapping.
>         ·         Verse Reference objects are stored both with the
>         English and Hebrew absolute verse numbers and these objects
>         are used for assigning tags, notes, etc.
>         This works fairly well when using English translations and
>         German translations. The result is for example that tags that
>         were assigned to verses of an English translation still show
>         up correctly for the verses in a German translation. This is
>         particularly visible in Psalms.
>         How flawed is my current approach described above?
>         How do other frontends do it?
>         Have there been plans to somehow integrate some sort of
>         mapping functionality into the SWORD engine?
>         Best regards,
>         Tobias
>         _______________________________________________
>         sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel@crosswire.org
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>         John Dudeck
>         Programmer at Editions Cle                             Lyon,
>         France
>         john.dud...@sim.org
>         <mailto:john.dud...@sim.org>                           
>         j...@editionscle.com <mailto:j...@editionscle.com>
>         --
>         "The best time to be alive is when things look the worst." --
>         Dale Losch
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