AND Bible has a translation matrix that seems to have momentum.

On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 10:35 AM Karl Kleinpaste <>

> On 5/29/20 11:19 AM, Greg Hellings wrote:
> How do you propose that our software, none of which is developed
> commercially and none of the maintainers of which speak or read/write these
> languages, go about acquiring localization strings for those languages?
> A long time ago, it was proposed that Xiphos be driven for translation by
> some facility on launchpad with which I'm unfamiliar.  As far as I'm aware,
> not a single new translation resulted from this.  Several of the existing
> translations are simply decaying slowly over time as the code changes;
> every time a new dialog or warning or label is added that no one
> translates, the translations get worse.  I have no idea how to induce
> would-be translators to enter and take part, even though one of Xiphos'
> Help selections is an explicit invitation for such translators.
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