
With Sword 1.9 on the horizon, will SWORD Utility Modules be supported
by the new release as well? A quick search in the source code and commit
log did not seem to indicate anything related to the utility modules.

Would this feature affect users of older versions of Sword? Will changes
to frontends be required as well?

Best regards,

On 20.03.20 04:41, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm wrapping up the next release of Bishop and would like to possibly
> change the default reading font.
> Does anyone have a special place in their heart for a favorite font they
> would recommend?  It should be freely usable, have a good coverage of
> Unicode and preferably already converted to a web font.
> For other frontend developers, this next release of Bishop uses a new
> feature of the upcoming SWORD release called "Utility" modules.  These
> are modules which frontends can download, update, and remove with
> InstallMgr, like any other module, but they are not intended to be shown
> to end users.  They contain utility data for implementing frontend
> features.  The specific utility modules used by this new release of
> Bishop are the two Eusebian Canon modules which provide data for
> creating parallel Gospel displays.  SWORD will eventually hide these
> modules from the normal modules list, so they won't show in existing
> frontends when installed, but for now trunk still shows them under a
> category "Utility".
> To see what you can do with this Eusebian utility module set, a
> pre-release of Bishop can be installed from here:
> http://crosswire.org/~scribe/bishop-1.3.901.apk
> bishop-1.3.901.apk size: 8858668 md5: 8eaf67ad5eb7d205178638dcbef418b7
> You'll need to turn on the "Show Parallel Gospels" setting.
> Or you can have a look at SWORDWeb here:
> http://www2.crosswire.org/study/passagestudy.jsp?key=Matt.3
> You'll notice the Eusebian numbers in the left margin.  Click on one to
> see the Gospel parallels for that passage using the currently selected
> Bible.
> You'll also see a slider at the top of the parallel Gospels page which
> allows adjusting context before and after.
> The Utility Modules concept brings a solution to the common problem
> we've had when we'd like to include a dataset with SWORD for
> implementing features in a frontend, but not have the module displayed
> to the end user.  We've never had a standard way to include these,
> update these, etc.  We've hacked a few datasets into the engine (e.g.,
> the "locales" locale for looking up internationalized locale names), but
> none of these are good implementations nor were standardized ways to
> include or update these datasets.  I am hoping this Eusebian module set
> will be just the first of many "Utility" modules we make available in
> the coming months and years.  We should start a wiki page where
> developers can learn about Utility modules which are available.  I'll be
> sure to include a "how to use" primer in the "About" section of these
> first two.
> Hope everyone is staying healthy.  God's blessings,
> Troy
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