Has there been any action on this?

John Dudeck

Ok I've put together a repeatable demonstration of the problem.

Here you will find two zip files:

The files consist of two builds of the exact same OSIS xml file (xml included in the zip), containing the "Notes de la Bible Annotée", a public domain French commentary. Each build is labled either 2893 or 3431. Sorry they are so big, but I didn't feel like cutting them down to a subset just for this demo. I also included the (approximate/probable) command line used (build notes.txt), and a copy of the output of osis2mod (compilerr.txt).

You will see that the 2893 build properly linked all of the verses in a verse range of a commentary article to the first verse in the range. The compilerr.txt file lists the verses linked. On the other hand the 3431 build does not list any verse linkages.

There are many verses in the bible that do not have commentary entries, so there is nothing displayed for those verses. But there are many entries for a verse range. For example Matthew 1:18-25 has a commentary entry for that verse range. Matthew 2:13-23 is another.

When you load the modules (which have module names that include the build number so that you can tell them apart), you will see that the 2893 build has the verses properly linked, whereas the 3431 build does not.

The observed behavior occurs in both Xiphos (4.1.0) and AndBible (3.2.343).

We have been using the 3431 build for our work, since 2893 does not support some of the French versifications that we need. But we are still waiting and praying for a properly working version of osis2mod for Windows.

John Dudeck

On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 3:03 PM Dominique Corbex < domini...@corbex.org >wrote:
On Thu, 4 Jun 2020 17:27:22 +0200
yvand <
yvand.sw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is it possible to import my module
> again with old osis2mod version (if the correction takes time).

Should be a little bit hard to find a running 2893 copy as:

$ svn blame -v osis2mod.cpp | awk '{print $1, $3}'| sort | uniq


2893 2013-07-16
3431 2016-08-17

So 2893 is almost 7 years old.

Yeah, you very much don't want to do that. The best plan is to send the file to someone (Troy or DM or whoever owns osis2mod) or post it publicly here so they can verify if it's the utility, the engine, or front ends.

Everything you've said, so far, sounds like it's just a front end display problem and not a module or engine thing. But that can't be guaranteed until someone looks closely at the output of the appropriate tools to see what exactly is ending up in the module.


  John Dudeck              Tel: +1-704-588-9891  Cell: +1-803-504-8065
john.dud...@sim.org                        Charlotte, North Carolina
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