OK, I hope this will be the last RC before final release.  This RC includes the changes last week with the TEI filter supporting <list> for Fr. Cyrille, hiding implementation details for SWClass, defaulting SWDYANIC_CAST to the compiler's dynamic_cast, and better const stafety.

There shouldn't be much that would break anything.  Please give it a try and let me know if you have any issues:


Thank you for all your help and comments.  Hope everyone is at the end of a good week and looking forward to a great weekend,


On 9/17/20 8:25 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
RC2 is available.  Small changes to accommodate a few lint warnings and updated java-jni bindings.  Added Vietnamese [Pref Abbrevs] section (thanks Daniel Owens!)


Please let me know if you have positive or negative results.  I would like to hear things are working in our mainstream frontends before pushing this out; it would give me happy thoughts.

Hope everyone is having a good week,


On 9/11/20 6:57 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
Give it a go and let me know.


Also, just to reiterate, if I've let anything out submitted by anyone, it isn't because I don't like you (probably), it's more likely that I'm old and forgetful. Please let me know if you don't notice something you've submitted in bundled up in the RC.

Thanks for any feedback one way or another.


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