Hi David,

I think the root-cause is probably that the binary is not signed.

I have the Windows-signing on the list:
Signed installer for Windows · Issue #40 · ezra-project/ezra-project · GitHub

For macOS this is already done – there the binaries get signed as well as 

One of the things with the signing is that it not only costs time, but in that 
case also generates yearly cost.

Best regards,

From: David Haslam
Sent: Dienstag, 5. Januar 2021 17:41
To: sword-devel mailing list
Subject: [sword-devel] Edge for Windows reports Ezra Project download asunsafe

I just tried using Microsoft Edge browser to download the Windows install .exe 
for Ezra Project. 

Edge blocked the download “because it could harm your device”. 

Although I reported that I think it is safe to Microsoft, methinks this may 
require a follow up by Tobias. 

My workaround will be to use Brave to download it. 

Best regards,

David Haslam

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