Check the Hebrew text. The MT versification has Num 25:19. Then the English v11n just consolidated that into the beginning of Num 26:1.

On 1/23/2021 7:20 AM, Bastian Germann wrote:
Am 23.01.21 um 12:53 schrieb David Haslam:
Does anyone know why the German V11N has 19 verses rather than 18 in Numbers 25 ?

I guess that it is a bad decision by Luther :-).

Module GerNeUe has Versification=German but has only 18 verses in this chapter.
It's not alone in not having a verse 19.

cf. The KJV has only 18 verses in the same chapter.

Does any printed Luther translation have a verse 19 ?

I just checked in a Luther 1984. It has a verse 19. Fun fact: The typesetter set verse 19 at the beginning of Numbers 26.

The HunUj module (also with v11n=German) here reads:

Numbers 25:19: A csapás után a következők történtek:
Numbers 26:1: Az Úr ezt mondta Mózesnek és Eleázár papnak, Áron fiának:

which Google translates as:

Numbers 25:19: After the blow, the following happened:
Numbers 26:1 And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest,

This might indicate that v19 was brought forward from the first part of 26:1 in other translations.

Some German translations that do not follow the Luther versification strictly, do that as well. E.g. Schlachter and Menge.

Yet it seems rather odd that any translation interpolates "the following happened" merely to comport with the strange placement of "After the blow (plague?)" which is without even a verb.

e.g. GerNeUe here reads:

Numbers 26:1: Nach der Plage sagte Jahwe zu Mose und dem Priester Eleasar Ben-Aaron:

which translates as:

Numbers 26:1: After the plague, the Lord said to Moses and Eleazar Ben-Aaron the priest:
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