Hi Greg,

I few quick comments and thoughts...

So, regarding the commandline tool and option: installmgr -init

This simply does:

                SWBuf baseDir = FileMgr::getSystemFileMgr()->getHomeDir();
                if (baseDir.length() < 1) baseDir = ".";
                baseDir += "/.sword/InstallMgr";
                confPath = baseDir + "/InstallMgr.conf";

So, regarding its own configuration and temporary storage, it always
uses, basically ~/.sword/installMgr/

SWORD_PATH should be honored regarding WHERE to finally install modules,
but they will first always be downloaded to ~/.sword/installMgr and once
a successful download is completely, the install to SWORD_PATH should

Also, SWORD has a long list of rules it uses to find your SWORD library,
each with precedence.  For example, a SWORD library detected in you CWD
is highest priority.  i.e., be sure you aren't running the command from
a folder which has a mods.conf file or mods.d/ folder or it will think
you wish to operate on your CWD.  And on the positive side, try to cd
~/.sword and run installmgr (assuming a ~/.sword/mods.d/ folder
exists).  You shouldn't have to set SWORD_PATH for installmgr to install
to ~/.sword if it is your CWD.

I am curious that you got it working without /etc/sword.conf entries.

You can always see the rules used to determine your library location by
turning log level all the way up:

SWORD_LOGLEVEL=DEBUG ~/src/sword/utilities/installmgr -ri CrossWire KJV

You will get all kinds of noise, but near the top (I would recommend a
tput clear, to reset your scrollback buffer), you should see:

[0.00146] Checking working directory for mods.d...
[0.00146] found.

Just a few things to try experimenting with.


On 2/5/21 10:50 AM, Greg Hellings wrote:
> I'm trying to install modules with installmgr on the command line. I
> seem to frequently run into issues with it silently dumping the files
> somewhere where they don't actually exist, and it's happening again.
> But I think I've narrowed down some of when it happens:
> I currently have a /etc/sword.conf that points to /usr/local/share. In
> that folder there are locale.d, mods.d, and modules folders, but the
> folder is not writable. This works as expected, installmgr downloads
> the files then tries to write them and says it failed and suggests it
> might be my permissions.
> So I set SWORD_PATH to ~/.sword. I run installmgr init, sync, update
> CrossWire, and try to install KJV. Now I get an attempt to write the
> files - the kjv.conf gets written into mods.d, but the data files are
> nowhere to be found. No errors, either. Debugging is telling me it's
> trying to write them into ~/.sword/modules/texts/ztext/kjv, and it
> successfully creates the modules/texts/ztext folders, but nothing
> below that. Not the "kjv" folder and no data files. So now I try
> setting SWORD_PATH to ~/.local/share/sword. Same result as before.
> Once I comment out the entries in /etc/sword.conf, all is well! I get
> my files AND my folder structure. But only when SWORD_PATH is set to
> ~/.local/share/sword/. No luck under ~/.sword/. It still misbehaves.
> With SWORD_PATH set to ~/.local/share/sword/, I try running installmgr
> sync again after deleting my ~/.sword directory. It's writing files to
> ~/.sword still. This is despite the debugging telling me "Checking
> $SWORD_PATH... found(/var/home/ghelling/.local/share/sword)". Yes, I
> know the folder path is odd but ~/ is /var/home/ghelling on Fedora
> Silverblue.
> If I'm setting SWORD_PATH to ~/.local/share/sword, then shouldn't
> installmgr also honor that path for downloading its files? And
> shouldn't installmgr be able to write the data files to ~/.sword in
> the first case?
> --Greg
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