Hi David,

Can we get a few more details?  Do you know what render format your
application is using?  If XHTML, our testsuite input and output can be
seen here.  Is your problem case represented in the test OSIS?  Is there
a specific HTML tag or recommended CSS style you think might be causing
the issue you are seeing?

(if you're using a browser, you'll need to "view source" to see the XML)


Thanks for reporting the issue.  Hope we can improve this for you.


On 4/12/21 12:18 PM, David Haslam wrote:
> The SWORD engine outputs two blank lines between consecutive
> paragraphs and below a section heading. 
> A mid-chapter heading gets only one blank line after the previous
> paragraph. 
> This combines to give an unaesthetic impression that the title is the
> tail of the preceding paragraph instead of the head of the next one. 
> Each paragraph is now in its own div element. How long has the engine
> been like this? IIRC we used to simply have the XML p elements 
> Did anyone consider the effect on presentational aesthetics and the
> impressions thereby caused?
> Best regards,
> David
> Sent from ProtonMail for iOS
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