

Thank you for the interest and feedback.  I sent some screenshots yesterday
in an e-mail that I originated.  Last I heard it needed to be approved by an
email admin but I haven't heard anything since.  I won't duplicate it unless
I hear back that it won't be sent to the mail list, then I'll do a reply
with the screenshots. BTW, when you do see those shots they're outdated
already.  I moved things around in the banner.


The links that you sent (below) are similar to other things that I've seen
in the past.  Bishop has some interesting features that would be great to
have while studying.  I'll take a closer look.  Another app that I ran
across a while back does have a click/hover banner display similar to what I
had already developed before I ran across that information.  I wasn't able
to download, install or test because, if I remember correctly, it required a
desktop app or a significant amount of resources on the mobile device.


I'm very committed to the 'reader' concept rather than a parallel or
interlinear layout because, well, my brain cheats.  I want the availability
of help and more information but I want to work at translating it on my own
before using the help.  My personal goal is to someday learn to read and
translate without help. I figure if the Lord sent a personal letter to me
(as He did to all of us) I should be able to read it without having someone
else read it to me (as in 'translation'). It's for my own personal
edification but it's important to me.  


Another important goal (for me) is to keep this as lightweight as possible
so that it can be used on old, slow devices with limited resources (memory,
storage, cpu). I want it to be available for use in areas of the world where
people can't afford the latest and greatest devices.  Web browsers seem to
be the way to approach the application to meet that goal. I've done a lot of
work in client/server applications but have never had anything as ubiquitous
as a Web browser to use for in content delivery.


On a technical note, browsers implement css fairly consistently (but not
perfectly).  Installed apps vary by the runtime environment which can be
significantly different not only in a different OS but also within the same
OS across devices (depending on the hardware and the carrier/phone company).
Using css I was able to get the consistency I wanted by using only the
:active parameter rather than :hover.  It works for touch devices and also
gives a mouse click capability and the mousedown allows me to move the
pointer over the banner where I've set the :hover to keep it available for a
click (e.g. to get strongs page or parsing information). So I click on a
word and while holding the mouse button down I can move to the part of the
banner that has a link or a tooltip with more information.  I also don't
like a lot of flashing on the screen as the pointer moves around so I find
hover to be annoying and distracting, but that's just a personal preference.


Sorry so long winded.  I'll stop for now.  Screenshots are coming.





From: sword-devel [] On Behalf Of
Loren Burkholder
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2021 1:23 PM
To: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum
Subject: Re: [sword-devel] English transliteration of Greek or Hebrew words


As a side note, Apple has removed such functionality from its devices since
some years ago:


From: sword-devel <> on behalf of Tobias
Klein <>
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2021 2:26:17 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [sword-devel] English transliteration of Greek or Hebrew words 


Good idea regarding the pressure-sensitive touch reaction :)

When doing a quick search I found this JavaScript library:

I quickly tested it on my Android tablet and it seems to work well! Maybe
I'll make use of this in the future.


On 5/16/21 6:44 PM, Michael H wrote:

Tobias, (all)

I don't do mobile development, so if this is beyond the realm of easy
implementation... ignore it. 

The limitation of android apps in this area has always been lack of
pointer... which turns into mistaps (mostly caused by fingers 3x th size of
the target). I'd like to see pressure sensitive touch which would work like
the 'hover' functionality in Bibletime... a light touch would pop out a box
with essential part of the definition, and a more firm touch then opens the
full definition either in the main window or a sidebar like area. It's not
exactly like the hover in BT, but touch sensitivity enabled provides a
pretty close functionality. Again, I know most androids now have pressure
sensitivity built in... but I don't know if it's easily accessible as just a


On Sun, May 16, 2021 at 10:30 AM Tobias Klein <> wrote:

Hi Jeff,

I am still planning to develop that interlinear functionality that I wrote
about in February, I have not started yet ... but will soon.

The interlinear visualization used by BibleHub is actually nice! I could
imagine to do something similar in Ezra Bible App.

I am currently not targeting mobile use with Ezra, but certainly tablets
(Windows and Android) and the user interface is also touch-based. In the
future we may see an iPad version as well.

You already find a strongs dictionary functionality in Ezra, similar to what
other frontends are doing, with the typical mouse-over strongs-word /
dictionary update. But that only works on the desktop due to the mouseover

Focussing more on being touch-friendly is one of my goals for new
functionality in Ezra. In fact, for me personally my Android tablet has
become the primary device for this software ... at least for casual study.

I'd also be curious to see screenshots of your work!

I'll be keeping you posted whenever I have something ready to try. I am
personally not a Greek/Hebrew expert, but nevertheless I enjoy some
tool-based original language study. I'd be happy about getting feedback from
users like you in the future!


On 5/15/21 10:23 AM, Jeff Becker wrote:

Tobias (et al),


I've been developing and using (for my own personal edification) a
Greek/Hebrew reader that responds to touch/click with English translation,
Strong's numbers (with links) and a parsing code (gender, number, case,
person, etc.) 


I've decided to either find something that meets my growing needs or make
it. But to do so requires data.  The current version is based upon a
reformatting of a free interlinear using C#, JavaScript, HTML5 and T-SQL


If you're working on one I'd like to discuss joining our efforts if our
goals are compatible.  Otherwise, I'm looking at the possibility of using
the resources available through the SWORD project as a basis for my efforts.


My goals are (in no particular order):

-          An easy to use phone, tablet and desktop app (already in current

-          Touch/click responses by displaying various information
(lexicography, parsing) (already in current version)

-          Ability to select various reading plans such as canonical order,
Daniel Wallace's One Year reading plan, chronological based on writing
(already in current version)

-          Stored bookmarks (client and server storage shared across
individual user's computers) (already in current version)

-          Derived words in common language such as transliterations as a
memory reinforcement tactic (eg. 'geo' - 'graphy');

-          Ability to substitute other languages for English translations /


I can't post a link here because I haven't received permission or reuse the
source material (BibleHub's Greek-English and Hebrew-English Interlinear).
I am currently the only person using it.  I've done so to avoid any ethical
or legal infringement on the source material.


If you or anyone else reading this are interested in working together I'd be
happy to share my relevant code and experience.


Jeff Becker


From: sword-devel [] On Behalf Of
Tobias Klein
Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2021 9:44 AM
To: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum
Subject: [sword-devel] English transliteration of Greek or Hebrew words




I am planning an interlinear view component for Ezra Project and as part of
that I would like to show English transliterations of Greek or Hebrew words.


I found these JavaScript/TypeScript based packages, which could be useful:


Do you know of any other solutions out there?


Best regards,

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