Caleb Maclennan writes:

Personally I'd like to see the IRC channel survive and migrate to either Libera or OFTC. Both of those networks now have operational Matrix bridges. That brings three of the largest open chat platforms used for open source (Gitter, Matrix, & IRC) able to interact in the same channels seamlessly. This means end users can connect from any of hundreds of apps from web clients to terminal clients to native desktop apps to mobile apps. With bridging enabled all three ecosystems operate natively as if everybody was in the same place.


I'm in for keeping an IRC Channel.
I'm using an XMPP server which provides an IRC Gateway.
So I'm able to connect to IRC channels with any XMPP client ( actually). I tried Matrix/element/fractal for a while but I prefer this setup. It has the double benefit of beeing fast and lightweight which is of great interest when you have a slooooooow Internet connection or running on batteries.

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