Hi all,

Ezra Bible App 1.1 has been released today.

Ezra Bible App 1.1 features an emoji picker for tags and notes, a locale 
selection box in the options menu, a possibility to load the Bible text chapter 
by chapter instead of fully for the whole book and various other enhancements. 
Furthermore, a Romanian locale has been added.

Note-worthy improvements and fixes are:
Desktop app: Added emoji picker to input fields (Create/rename tag, notes).
Added a locale select box in the options menu that can be used to instantly 
switch to a different user interface language.
Added functionality for opening and navigating book chapters individually.
Enhanced layout of current tab search function.
Disable Bible translation in translation select box if it does not contain the 
book that is opened in the current tab.
Added online help that gives an overview for all keyboard shortcuts (New tab in 
info popup dialog).
Android: Localized startup messages.
Fixed bug: Missing chapter title for modules without embedded chapter title.
Fixed bug: Compare translations function too slow on Android.
Added Romanian locale.
Downloads are available for:
Windows (tested on Windows 10)
macOS (tested on Big Sur)
Android (tested on Android 6 and Android 10), available in the Play Store.
Ubuntu 18.04 + 20.04 (tested on 20.04)
Debian 10
Linux Mint 18
Fedora 29 (also works with Fedora 30)
Fedora 31
Fedora 33
CentOS 8
OpenSuse Leap 15.2
Locales are up-to-date for English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, Slovakian, 
Ukrainian, Russian, Romanian.

Thanks to Reinaldo for the Spanish locale update.
Thanks to Martin for the Slovakian locale update.
Thanks to Tom for the Dutch & French locale update.
Thanks to Evgen for the Ukrainian & Russian locale update and for major 
development work.
Thanks to Augustin for the new Romanian locale and contributions regarding a 
new short cut overview.

I am happy about any feedback.

Best regards,
sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel@crosswire.org
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