Hi Eero!

The reason that newer translations are not available as (free) SWORD modules is typically that they are still copyright protected. Sometimes it is possible to offer such modules with a license key that first needs to be purchased by the user. Maybe you can write to the publisher and ask them whether they have considered to either offer the text as a free SWORD module or at least offer a license key protected SWORD module.
Not all publishers have the technical knowledge/infrastructure for that.
The German Bible society is a publisher that has the infrastructure and this has been used to make the NA28 (Greek NT) available as a payed module. They also have a SWORD repository. I hope something can be done to make new Norwegian translations available as SWORD module!

Best regards,

Am 26. September 2021 07:42:11 schrieb <eer...@gmail.com>:
Hey, I use AndBible., There are 2 Norwegian bibles available, or at he moment I find just one, the 1930 translation. For example YouVersion has quite many newer translations – is it possible to get some of them to AndBible; I prefer most 1988 translation. Some time ago there was also a translation named Norbroed I think; that was of little value.


Eero Nevanlinna, Norway

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