Dear all,

I am facing a bug with osis2mod. So I am writing in this mailing and I want to share a minimal/simple OSIS file example.

*Context :
*The Elberfelder version (in German) has been revised recently. The revised version now follows the versification of the BHS for the Old Testament. See (moreover strongs are available on their website). A work is in progress for the French Darby translation, by the BPC editor ( If God's willing, two Darby versions will be available, printed and downloadable in the future: - The first version will be very faithful to the original translation (main changes : versification BHS + add footnotes in the OT for quotations in the NT + replacement of a few old french words (minimal)). - Another version will be available with more changes in the text. But the goal remains to as close to the original as possible. This version could be called "Darby révisée" (revised Darby). This version will also follow the BHS versification. With the BPC editor we plan to offer 2 modules for the French Darby in the future. The source of those 2 modules (FreJND and a new one) will be based on OSIS provided by BPC. So the text and the notes will match a new paper version.

Those bible editors (for Elberfelder and french Darby) trend to standardize the versification scheme and follow the BHS for the Old Testament. That's why I tried to find the sword versification which fits the best with this versification. I found Leningrad which seems to match BHS but does not offer New Testament…

I tested all sword versifications, but osis2mod fails with some (infinite loop).

Here is an example of OSIS file :


Timeout (infinite loop): Calvin, DarbyFr, KJV, KJVA, NRSV, NRSVA, Segond, Synodal, SynodalProt, Vulg
OK: Catholic, Catholic2, German, LXX, Leningrad, Luther, MT, Orthodox

Can you confirm the bug? Where should I report the bug?

Do you plan to add new versification scheme to match those versions?

Blessings in the Lord,

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