This week is the big conference week in the US for Bible research.

I have 2 different cards printed up to hand out this week.  The first is intended for students.

Probably the single most important resource for a seminary student is the German Bible Society's Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament.  After years of negotiation and a ton of work on our part to format their data, overlay morphology on top, have the INTF (the research institute that produces the text of the edition) proof and correct the morphology, The Germany Bible Society agreed last year to offer an unlock key for our software. It available from the install source: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft (German Bible Society).  They are offering this module at a great price of 10€.  This is the cheapest way I know for a seminary student to purchase this resource, and I believe should go a long way to promote interest in what we do here at CrossWire at these conferences.  We are promoting this offer together with the German Bible Society this year and it is featured on the back of both cards.  My goal is to leave tons of these with the backs up, on tables all around the conference centers and hotels and with booths of seminaries for their students.  It should be a great blessing to students.  The promotion has a QRCode which points to a special mobile page which shows how to install the module on an iPhone or Android using Bishop, but the promo page explains that we have many applications for many platforms and that all of our modules work across all of our software.  (I hope the NA28 works well on our various software platforms).

The second card I have to hand out is one that replaces the "Cool, Free, Open Source Bible Software" on the front, with "Publish Directly to Consumer."  These I intend to hand out at the publisher booths at the conferences.  I hope to pitch our model of direct to consumer to stir up interest from publishers to take their resources directly to the consumer, bypassing the distribution fees and markup charged by commercial software vendors (no offense to our commercial friends-- I pray their work will too be used to share Christ with a lost world).  The interest we get from publishers will eventually be directed toward the modules team.  I hope we can overload our team and subsequently need to issue a call for modules team volunteers to help their great work.

So, please keep our ministry in your prayers this week (and always).  It is a pleasure and honor to serve Christ together with you,


On 10/29/21 06:03, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
Anyone planning to visit Texas this year? I hope to be at each event. Would love to meet if anyone else plans to attend or is in the area.
-- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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