Hi Troy & all,

I hope you all had a merry Christmas with your families and friends!

I’ve been encountering a weird search bug and I suspect it’s somewhere in the 
SWORD engine.

Here is how I get it:

Given I use the module GerNeUe
And I set the search scope to NT books
And I use the search term “Herrschaft”
And I perform an “Exact phrase” search
Then all search results are slightly offset (by 1 verse) starting from Acts 
20:24 (should be Acts 20:25) and ending at Revelation 12:9 (should be 12:10) 
whereas the search results before and after these verses are fine.

If I perform the same search not limiting the search scope, I get correct 

Could this be related to versification differences?
I know that for example in Acts there is a slight versification difference 
starting in 19:41 and in Revelation there is a versification difference 
starting in 12:17 (they balance each other out). Therefore the search results 
are probably fine again in Revelation.

Best regards,
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