On 8/21/22 7:42 PM, Greg Hellings wrote:

        - Built-in ability to sync database via Cloud storage (I am
        planning to
        start with Dropbox). This then supports the usecase of using
        the same
        database across multiple devices (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile).

    As someone who likes to self host with Synology, I would love to
    see integration with that.

    You mean a NAS on the local network? What would be the interface
    to that? Local http(s)?
    Are there existing integrations for that with other apps?

Synology is a NAS appliance, yes. However, it comes with mobile apps (the main one of relevance here is called Drive) that simulate the behavior of Box, DropBox, etc apps for synching arbitrary files. On Android it appears in my list of places to open or save files to when I'm dealing with email attachments or social media uploads similar to the other apps mentioned.

Ok. I would need to check this. The question is whether there is some kind of existing API to interface with this app ...

A few rough edges I noticed using it in service,  not related to the mobile bit specifically.

Once I wrote a note for a verse, I had to cycle note visibility on and off again in the UI to hide them. It seems that entering the edit mode displayed them without toggling the menu item, I think? I'd have to play with it more to be certain that's what happened, but it seems that's what went on.

Thanks. I'll look into this. I can confirm that the two features (on demand note editing vs. note editing turned on for all verses) are not properly synced.


Also, not sure if this is the app or a module issue but I have both the NET module from eBible, KJVA from CrossWire, and a few other modules installed. NET is the primary display. When I select the first verse under any header and pull up the comparison pane to see other translations, all of them display text except for KJVA. The KJVA has text for the verse if I pull it up as the primary module, and it doesn't happen on other verses nor on other modules. I'm attaching a pair of screeneries to show what I mean.

I'll look into this.


Overall it is a very useful mobile app on tablet!
Happy to hear that!

Best regards,
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