How to suggest improvements to the sword project?

You did it the right way. It just is a bit on/off as a project. GHellings is the cmake pumpkin holder as far as I know. I bcc him on a different email address. 




---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: ZdPo Ster <>
Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2022 at 22:22
Subject: cmake patches
To: <>


please find 3 few patches related to cmake build (tested on windows with MSVC 2019):
  1. cmake_fix_deprecation.patch - cmake version 3.23.2 produce depreciation warning for old minimum version, co IMO it is time to increase expected cmake version
  2. cmake_fix_msvc.patch - there is no "/O3" options in current MSVC[1]
  3. cmake_git_svn.patch - I use git svn for accessing code, but cmake produce error because of missing svn executable. He is patch that fixed it + code for detecting svn revision (MYSVN_WC_REVISION) from git


Attachment: cmake_fix_deprecation.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: cmake_git_svn.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: cmake_fix_msvc.patch
Description: Binary data

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