I just took a look at the KJV, I saw that lemma is followed by a module name, so I put as in the KJV the name of the TR module after lemma (lemma.TR:myword), and miracle it displays correctly. So I don't mind adding this, it's fine for Greek, but for other languages what do you advise me to add?

Le 01/02/2023 à 14:48, Fr Cyrille a écrit :

Le 01/02/2023 à 14:38, Karl Kleinpaste a écrit :
On 2/1/23 07:37, Fr Cyrille wrote:
xiphos can't not displaying the lemma ... is it a xiphos bug?

Xiphos has no opinion -- is not aware -- of the details of how the engine renders; it simply sets the relevant options, e.g. from GlobalOptionFilter=ThMLVariants and similar, and expects that what comes back from the engine's rendering is sensible.

Are you setting the needed config directives properly?
Thanks Karl for your answer, I think I have the right settings. In any case in my conf file I have the entry that concerns the display of lemmas (GlobalOptionFilter=OSISStrongs GlobalOptionFilter=OSISMorph GlobalOptionFilter=OSISLemma). Moreover if I have only the lemma in my osis file without the strongs, then the display is done well. So I have another question, are spaces tolerated in the lemma in case of multiple matches to a Greek word?
A screenshot here: https://nuagenextcloud.tiberiade.net/s/YnDcsQL99L2tM3J
and here: https://nuagenextcloud.tiberiade.net/s/LiryfsHdYH59GXp

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