Hello, Jonathan.

WEB and WEBC indeed contain Daniel (Greek). However, I don't know how to select a Sword Engine versification that can cause the front ends (AndBible, Bishop, Xiphos, etc.) to properly display Daniel (Greek). They can display some fragments of Daniel (Greek), like Susanna and Bel and the Dragon, but the World English Bible isn't split up that way, and won't be. Daniel (Greek) makes more sense when presented as a whole. I'm not sure if this is possible to do within the Sword ecosystem.

In the mean time, eBible.org epub files work well with Google Books and Apple Books, among other epub readers, no matter what their versification. You can get to any chapter in about 3 taps. The Sword Engine tries to force-fit every Bible translation into a small set of predefined, hard-coded versification schemes, none of which exactly match the World English Bible. In fact, they don't exactly match a very high percentage of Bible translations.

On 4/22/23 19:36, you wrote:

 Name-> Jonathan Faust
 Email-> jonfa...@tutanota.com
 Subject-> AndBible WEBC Daniel
 Form URL-> https://eBible.org/cgi-bin/contact.cgi
 Remote IP->
Hi there!

Apologies if I'm mistaken, but I'm not seeing Daniel (Greek) in my bible app. It looks like both the WEB and WEBC contain Esther (Greek) but lack Daniel (Greek). This would imply WEBC contains no translation of Daniel. I see it on browser bible and in the EPUB. Is this an issue with AndBible, the source WEB files, or something else?


*/Michael Johnson/**
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