For SWORD developers to ponder and comment, please...

It's valid OSIS to have some words within a note element wrapped in a 
transChange element. Our latest schema allows for this.

My question is about rendering.

For Bible text, the SWORD engine renders text within transChange as italics.

However, front-ends render all the text within a note as italics!
Not being a coder, I am guessing that this is just what the engine provides.

Several margin notes in the Blayney 1769 edition of the KJV have the "added 
words" in a noted reading printed as normal text rather than italics like the 
rest of the note. In other words, it applied what might be described as an 
"italics inversion rule". 

How easy would it be to implement this in the SWORD engine?
Might this be something to prepare for the next version of the API ?

Does the same scenario also appertain for JSword and related front-ends?

Meanwhile, are there any workarounds that might provide the proper rendering 
even with the existing version of SWORD?

i.e. If we were to have a hi element with type="normal" to wrap the words 
within the transChange element ? e.g.

<note type="study" osisRef="Job.31.35" osisID="Job.31.35!note.a" 
n="a"><catchWord osisRef="Job.31.35@s[my]">my…</catchWord>: or, <rdg 
type="alternate">my sign <transChange type="added"><hi type="normal">is 
that</hi></transChange> the Almighty will</rdg>.</note>

Would that "overrule" the italics from the transChange ?

It's definitely a kludge, but would it actually work?

Best regards,


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