On Friday, October 27, 2023 8:46:19 AM EDT Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> Hi David. There shouldn't be any nulls in the SWMgr::Modules map. Have you
> done anything with the map which might have created an entry?  For example,
> have you attempted to obtain a module by name which wasn't there? In C++
> this would create an empty entry with a null pointer if the KJV wasn't
> installed.
> SWModule *kjv = swordLibrary->Modules["KJV"];
> Just trying to guess what might have happened.

No, I'm declaring the SWModule *tempMod and then the very next thing is
assigning it to libraryIterator->second.

libraryIterator is a sword::ModMap::iterator if that makes a difference.

While stepping through in my debugger, after I assign tempMod to
libraryIterator->second looking at the variables, I am getting values in
tempMod that indicate something is wrong (I can provide those if that would

Ultimately, I want to build a list of strings of the form "For [module
description/long name select [module shortname] for all installed modules of a
given type. Perhaps there is a better way to do that?

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