On 29/10/23 19:16, Tobias Klein wrote:
What makes it complicated in my case is the following.

Ezra Bible App on Android is a Cordova app. When it comes to permissions, etc. I depend on Cordova Plugins.

The one that I had been using is this:

It seems like to store files in a shared directory on Android you'll need to use a plugin like https://www.npmjs.com/package/cordova-plugin-saf-mediastore instead. That plugin can ask the user for permission to read and write a directory, but it's not at all clear to me if there's a way to list the contents of a directory. Obviously it's possible using the native Android APIs, but I can't find anyone saying "here's how to manage a directory tree from within Cordova", even in the Cordova tech-support threads talking about handling files. :(

I appreciate not wanting to dive into yet another language, just to add a somewhat niche feature. Thank you for taking the time to respond!


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