Ok, all good then, we are covered, this is a different use case.

On Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 3:46 PM Matěj Cepl <mc...@cepl.eu> wrote:

> On Mon Dec 18, 2023 at 2:38 PM CET, Kristof Szabo wrote:
> > I wrote some time back https://github.com/krisek/sword-test, with quite
> a
> > few test cases, which, I think, covers your use case as well.
> Couple of differences on the first look:
> 1. Functionally, I prefer my script which stops when the first
>    unpaired character is found, thus allowing fixing the problem.
> 2. I use SAX API (xml.sax from the standard library) and it seems
>    to me like better suited for the Bible processing than the
>    traditional DOM (or LXML) interface. It nicely hides away all
>    hard work going on in the background and let me work only on
>    what’s relevant to my task. See
> https://gitlab.com/crosswire-bible-society/CzeCSP/-/blob/master/CEPtoOSIS.py
>    for an example of much more complicated processing (and also,
>    it is ten-fold or something like that faster than processing
>    with Java and Saxon/XSLT).
> > > Temporarily the script is in its own repo
> > > (https://gitlab.com/mcepl/bible-freq-counter) and attached to
> > > this message, but I would like to submit it to sword-utils. How
> > > to do it?
> Just an update … I have moved the script to
> https://git.crosswire.org/mcepl/bible-freq-counter.
> Best,
> Matěj
> --
> http://matej.ceplovi.cz/blog/, @mcepl@floss.social
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