Hi there.

I once wrote some note to remember how to do this kind of stuff, but i
must admit I m not sure how correct this is.

With diateke:

#if a lucene index has been built for the module:
diatheke -b KJV -s lucene -r Genesis -k "lemma:H0776"
#without index:
diatheke -b KJV -s attribute -r Genesis -k "Word//Lemma./H0776/"

However, given that both search do not give the same result, I expect
at least one of them to be wrong...
I also had some notes on how to do similar stuff with python here
(search function)

On Thu, 8 Feb 2024 at 08:06, ZdPo Ster <zdpos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there any python script (way) for searching in modules?
> pysword[1] seems to  only show bible text (if you know the reference).
> What I try to do:
> Find all currencies of the strong number in Bible module with support of 
> Strongs (e.g. G01344 in NASB)
> Collect all references (35) and show them in (e.g. Slovak or Czech) Bible 
> translations (+ NASB)  that does not support Strongs => how the original word 
> was translated in local language.
> Also suggestions for non python tools / workflow for this are welcomed.
> [1] https://gitlab.com/tgc-dk/pysword
> BR,
> Zdenko
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