Thank you, Allen!

The Valera 1602 Purificada is online in the Sword repository and on

On 2/21/24 09:54, Allen Johnson wrote:

Thanks for writing.

 1. Yes, permission is granted as we want to distribute the text in as
    many ways possible.

 2. We are happy to provide a working file but:

     1. Forgive my ignorance but I do the layout in InDesign.
        Previously, I have exported as a text file for others to
        develop the digital modules for E-sword, online bible, and
        Bible Analyzer. I currently do not see any of the formats
        mentioned in my export or save as options. I will do some
        research but thought you might already know what steps I would
        need to take.

     2. We are actually in the middle of further revision work, to be
        completed in March or April. Perhaps it would be best to wait
        for the updated file, rather than using the current 2019
        edition and then having to update it later or being “stuck”
        with an “older” edition while other programs hopefully update

I look forward to your feedback on these matters. Thanks, and God bless.

Allen Johnson


*Gracias / Thanks*

*valera logo jpg* <>

PO Box 1781 - Mt Vernon, KY 40456 - (865) 773-2347 <>

*From: *Kahunapule Michael Johnson <>
*Date: *Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 8:35 PM
*To: *David Rez <>, SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum <>, <>
*Subject: *Re: [sword-devel] Adding another Bible version

Hello David and all,

To add the Valera 1602 Purificada to the Sword project would require (1) permission, and (2) digital files in an acceptable format (OSIS, USFM, USX, or USFX).

It looks like the permission granted in is functionally equivalent to a CC-BY-ND-NC license, so the permission part is handled.

Whoever reads email: do you have some digital files of this Bible translation in USFM, USX, OSIS, or something easy to convert to one of those formats? If so, could we please have a copy so that we can make it available to users of the Sword Project family of apps, including AndBible?


On 2/20/24 12:14, David Rez wrote:


     I was wondering if you all can add a Spanish Bible version called
    Reina Valera Purificada 1602? It's a Spanish Bible created to read
    more like to the king James version. I use the "and Bible" app and
    they said to ask you all. Thank you


*/Michael Johnson/
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: <>


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: <>
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