(I tried sending this response a few days ago, but it seems to have been
blocked, so let me try again:)


Michael Johnson <mich...@ebible.org> writes:

> The following eBible.org translations cause osis2mod to fail hard
> (i.e. crash or go into an infinite loop):
I suspect that this is caused by a bug that I and others have reported
on this mailing list, where osis2mod loops infinitely (or at least for a
very long time) when a bible book has more chapters than it ought to
have accordding to the versification.

> Currently the versification selection algorithm in Haiola looks for
> the least bad match by first selecting the versification that has the
> smallest number of missing books. In case of a tie, it looks for the
> smallest number of missing chapters. In case of a tie, it looks for
> the smallest number of missing verses.

maybe this could be adjusted to warn if the bible has more chapters than
the versification allows?  Or to prevent this situation as much as

Blessings, pinoaffe
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