PocketSword has a dropdown menu to select any month & day.
Generally though - it simply synchronises the Daily Devotional to Today.

Aside: ICYMI: The MCheyne Bible reading plan is available as a Daily Devotional 
module from the Xiphos repository.

For more by & about Robert Murray M’Cheyne (1813-1843) please visit 



On Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 20:02, David "Judah's Shadow" Blue 
<[yudahssha...@gmx.com](mailto:On Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 20:02, David)> wrote:

> Hot on the heels of release 0.3.0, comes 0.4.0. Notable new features are:
> *Unorthodox modules are now their own category under the list command
> *Daily Devotionals are also now their own category under the list command
> *Image based modules (including maps) no longer show under list at all
> *A new devo command that interfaces with the daily devotional modules.
> Those who have been following BIBISH will probably realize that daily
> devotionals have worked via the show command for quite some time. However,
> with the show command you have to enter something approximating the key
> structure (MM.DD) to get the entry you are after. With the devo command, on
> the other hand, you can type out a full month name and day number (i.e.
> January 5), a three letter month abbreviation and day number (i.e. Sep 8),
> or one of "today", "tomorrow", or "yesterday".
> This also marks, to my knowledge anyway, BIBISH's first unique feature as I
> don't know of any other front end that allows you to interface with Daily
> Devotionals this way.
> Source files are on the github page at,
> https://github.com/JudahsShadow/bibish/releases/tag/0.4.0
> Feedback, issues, and so forth are definitely appreciated.
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