On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 5:35:50 AM EDT Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> There is an SWFilter to help with this.
> E.g., to get HTML, try something like:
> #include <rtfhtml.h>
> SWBuf confValue = module.getConfigValue("About");
> RTFHTML().processText(confValue);
> If you don't want HTML, I believe there are also other RTF filter
> conversions like RTFPlain which should give you things like your newlines
> instead.

Having looked into this some in the class documentation, I'm not finding a 
RTFPlain filter that I can see in the docs, There is a SWBasicFilter but I 
can't figure out how to call its processText() method.

I had thought to possibly use RTFHTML and then a filter to take HTML to plain 
text, but I'm not seeing any implementation of SWFIlter that will do what I'm 

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