On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 11:12:39 AM EDT Karl Kleinpaste wrote:
> https://wiki.crosswire.org/DevTools:conf_Files#StrongsPadding
>     StrongsPadding
>     At the heart of our lexicon/dictionary drivers, we have some old
>     logic which tries to detect if a key value is a Strong's number, and
>     if so, then pad it with leading zeros accordingly. To support this
>     logic, the recognition has recently been added for an optional new
>     .conf entry for lexicon/dictionary modules:
>     StrongsPadding=true|false
> How "recent" is this addition? Should other modules (Bibles,
> commentaries) have it, so as to indicate how its Strongs markup should
> be handled?

Based on the notes in that linked entry, it's been around since 1.7

>This is only available in SWORD version 1.7 or later. JSword never had this 
> On its face, this is ambiguous: Is StrongsPadding=true an indication
> that the module /has/ padding already, or that it /needs/ padding to be
> provided?

From what I've read in the aforementioned notes, if it's set to true then the 
engine attempts to add padding as needed to the module, if it's set to false, 
then no padding is attempted even if the entry looks like a Strong's number.

>It can be set to false if you are building a lexdict module which has entries 
which may be misconstrued as Strong's numbers.

Now, the question remains, is it still true by default if not present or is it 
false by default as the notes say it will be one day

>In a couple years, we'll probably switch the default to false, so it would be 
nice to add this line and set the value to true on modules which really do 
require the logic.

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