Correction: "Inside Edition", same difference. Apparently Wiki remembers
things better than I do.  :^)

> People rarely remember that O'Reilly was one of the first hosts of "A
> Current Affair". ACA was an early Fox attempt at providing sensational pap
> in a news magazine format. Like Maury Povich, he has zero credibility as a
> valid newsman... just ask his housekeeper.
>> Actually, the first three words of this post (after "Fwd:") are an
>> oxymoron.
>> jaf
>> On Jun 10, 2008, at 5:54 PM, Richard Cuff wrote:
>>> Those in the group who may be critical of the policies and approaches
>>> of US commercial TV news media may find this item of interest.
>>> Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Josh Silver, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Date: Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 4:59 PM
>>> Subject: Bill O'Reilly Thinks You're Crazy
>>> Dear Friend,
>>> Watch the Video and Thank O'Reilly
>>> Last night, Rupert Murdoch launched a laughable attack against you,
>>> the media reform movement, and journalism itself.
>>> His on-air bully Bill O'Reilly called us "crazy" and "fascist" ---
>>> you, me, and the millions of others who want media reform. These
>>> people are "doing a lot of damage to America," O'Reilly yelled. Our
>>> crime? Calling for journalism that's more honest, just and accountable
>>> to the public.
>>> When Bill O'Reilly goes after you, you must be doing something right.
>>> So we've decided to return the favor, and tell him two things: (1)
>>> Thanks so much for the compliment and (2) please stop pretending to be
>>> a journalist.
>>> Tell Bill O'Reilly: Stop Pretending to Be a Journalist
>>> At this weekend's National Conference for Media Reform in Minneapolis,
>>> O'Reilly sent his stalker reporter Porter Berry to ambush legendary
>>> journalist Bill Moyers. But Berry got far more than he bargained for
>>> (watch the video). Moyers stood his ground with the Fox News crew and
>>> challenged O'Reilly to stop smearing people under the guise of
>>> journalism.
>>> Thank O'Reilly for Making the Case for Media Reform
>>> The O'Reilly ambush is typical Fox News fare. Murdoch uses his media
>>> empire to attack his political foes and -- not to inform citizens or
>>> tell the truth. The fight for media reform is about regular people
>>> like you and me fighting undue corporate control of the media. This
>>> kind of abuse of media power aggravates progressives and conservatives
>>> alike.
>>> Murdoch seeks to take down a people-powered movement that is a
>>> gathering force in America. Over the past few years, media reformers
>>> have chalked up tremendous victories against nation's largest media
>>> companies. When the FCC attempted to unleash a new wave of media
>>> consolidation late last year, more than a quarter-million people
>>> contacted Congress, culminating in a Senate vote that rejected a
>>> massive giveaway to Murdoch and his cronies.
>>> We're fighting government propaganda and protecting free speech and
>>> choice on the Internet. Our work is a threat to titans like Murdoch
>>> who want to hoard control over news and information in America.
>>> By signing the letter you're telling O'Reilly: "We are not
>>> intimidated. We want better journalism. Attacks from you only show how
>>> much we need media reform."
>>> Thanks for all that you do,
>>> Josh Silver
>>> Executive Director
>>> Free Press
>>> 1. Forward this e-mail to 10 of your friends. We need you and everyone
>>> you know to stop Murdoch's assault on journalism.
>>> 2. For more detail, read my article at the Huffington Post.
>>> ________________________________
>>> Take action on this important campaign at:
>>> Tell your friends about this campaign at:
>>> You ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) are receiving this e-mail as an opt-in
>>> subscriber to Free Press' e-activist list. You can unsubscribe or
>>> manage your account at any time.
>>> Free Press is a national, nonpartisan organization working to reform
>>> the media. Learn more at
>>> --
>>> Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA USA
>>> International broadcasting / shortwave blog:
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