Sadly, Radio Netherlands has announced the end of shortwave to North
America as of the end of October.

Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA  USA

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Media-Network List Owner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 1:24 PM
Subject: Media Network Newsletter 18 September 2008

Media Network Newsletter

18 September 2008

This is the weekly newsletter from Media Network at Radio Netherlands.
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Hello from Hilversum,

This edition of the Newsletter is being mailed a bit later than
normal, due to producing an extra-long current affairs story for our
website. But we've also published today some important information for
listeners in North America:

RNW distribution changes in North America

Radio Netherlands Worldwide's English broadcasts are available in
North America in an increasing variety of different ways. More and
more partner stations are taking our programming (a growing number of
NPR stations in the US and CBC in Canada) and there are now a variety
of satellite options (including Sirius satellite radio). The
programmes are also available live, on-demand and via podcast.

Radio Netherlands now feels that the number of alternatives for
listeners in North America is such that we have decided to end our
shortwave broadcasts to the region. This will take effect from the
start of our winter season on 26 October 2008.

The decision has been backed up by a recent survey which showed a
decline in the number of listeners using shortwave in North America.

For full details please go to this page on our main website. You may
also leave your comments at the bottom of that page.

Media Network Weblog
Here are the stories we've published since the last Newsletter. Click
on any headline to go direct to that item in the Weblog:

Friday 12 September 2008

SES Astra creates new broadband company
International Network Distribution extends capacity contract with Intelsat
BBG workshop highlights sophistication and growth of Web censorship
Israel's Supreme Court to rule on nationalist radio station
The Peace Channel, a global online TV website, is launched today
WRN launches on DAB+ in Malta

Saturday 13 September 2008

Sierra Leone to get new TV station, SLBC to take over Radio UNIOSIL

Sunday 14 September 2008

New Dutch public broadcaster for Muslims planned
Police in Equatorial Guinea attempt to seize opposition party's radio
DW and BBCWS to jointly launch DRM news and current affairs stream

Monday 15 September 2008

Nigeria to blacklist dormant broadcast stations
Details of Radio St Helena Day 2008 confirmed
SE Texas FM stations carrying news talk programming normally on AM
Launch of Europarltv, the Web TV of the European Parliament
Media Guardian interviews Director of BBC Global News

Wednesday 17 September 2008

RFE/RL launches new Belarusian TV news programme
Reporters Without Borders website blocked again inside China
VOA audience numbers climb in Pakistan
Zimbabwe parties agree to unban media outlets
Turkey's state TV to broadcast in Kurdish, Persian, Arabic in March

These, and all the latest stories, can be found at

RSS site feeds:

Complete feed:

Feed for consumers:

Feed for media professionals:

The next Newsletter will be on Thursday 25 September 2008. Good listening!

Andy Sennitt
Media Network
Radio Netherlands

Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA USA

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