So, I tried to listen to Radyo Pilipinas today and it apepars various
schedules and frequencies are a bit screwy.

This is the copy of the email I sent to them in hopes of clearing things
up. Can anyone provide a verified schedule? I know I've heard Radyo
Pilinpas in the past, but it was just in passing


I am a Shortwave radio listener in Alaska USA and trying to tune into your
english broadcasts but can't seem to find the proper schedule.

One shortwave schedule website lists 9910, 12120 and 15190 as your engish
frequencies while your own website lists 12010, 15640 and 17820 as your
english frequencies.

However, your Facebook page lists 11880 and 15285 as your english

None of the frequencies listed for your english broadcast seem to match

One website that listed your english frequencies has the correct times, but
they are your Filipino frequencies.

Can you please clarify what are the correct frequencies and times for your
english broadcasts of Radyo Pilinpinas for B16 that starts at the end of

What are the correct A16 frequencies and time schedule which ends this

thank you,
Paul walker
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