UOW Philosophy Seminar Series, Autumn 2015. All are welcome!

*Speaker*: Dr. Miri Albahari (University of Western Australia).

*Title*: Investigating the possibility of nibbāna

*Abstract*: Nibbāna, sometimes called ‘awakening’, is the ultimate goal of
practice in Eastern traditions such as Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta. It can
be described as an event whereupon a profound cognitive transformation is
brought about by a deep insight into reality, including, minimally, the
reality that one is not a separate self. As a result of seeing through the
illusion of self (and whatever else the insight entails), the *arahant*
(Buddhist term for one who has attained nibbāna) no longer harbours any of
the emotional attachments that were formerly felt *on behalf* of such a
self, becoming equanimous to the point where no perception can disturb
their peace of mind. For example, there are no negative emotional reactions
toward the worst things that can befall a person: physical pain, losing
relatives, injustice, notoriety, etc. There is no chasing of sensory
pleasures such as food, sex, fame, entertainment, relationships. And yet,
although impervious to the vicissitudes of life, arahants are deeply
‘alive’ people: joyful, compassionate and wise, acting in ways to benefit
others. So, is nibbāna really possible – indicative of a genuine
psychological capacity – or is it just an artefact of tradition? If nibbāna
is humanly possible to attain, then it carries numerous philosophical
implications for the nature of mind and reality – especially if one
interprets the content of the transformative insight in a metaphysically
radical way (as I do). Investigating the possibility of nibbāna forms the
ongoing topic of my research project and in this paper I say more about
what is involved in such an investigation.

*When:* Wednesday 25 March

*Time:* 2:00 – 5:00pm

*Where:* Research Hub 19.2072B

*Contact:* Michael Kirchhoff (kirch...@uow.edu.au)

There will be a student seminar from 2:00 - 2:45pm, also in the Research


*Dr. Michael D. Kirchhoff *
Lecturer in Philosophy
School of Humanities and Social Enquiry
Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts
University of Wollongong NSW 2522
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