Dear All,

The following item may be of interest:

As part of ARC Future Fellowship Project (FT 130100334), *Cinematic Ethics:
Exploring Ethical Experience through Film*, I am pleased to announce the
following event at Macquarie University:

*Cinematic Ethics Symposium*

Macquarie University, Sydney

MGSM Building

August 27-29, 2015

Despite the flourishing of philosophy of film in recent decades, there have
been few explicit theoretical investigations of the relationship between
ethics and cinema. That film has an ethical potential—for exploring moral
issues, ethically-charged situations, or moral “thought experiments”—is
clear, however, from the way in which philosophical film theorists have
explored cinema from a variety of philosophical perspectives. Indeed, film
theory and philosophy of film could be described as undergoing an “ethical
turn”—along with other areas of the humanities—in starting to reflect upon
cinema as a distinctive way of thinking through ethical concerns. Yet
philosophers, on the whole, have given the question of ethics and film
scant theoretical attention, in a more philosophical sense, even within
aesthetics, philosophy of film, or film theory.

This symposium is thus dedicated to exploring the relationship between
cinema and ethics and investigating the possibility of a ‘cinematic
ethics’. This is a conception of cinema as providing new ways of evoking
and expressing* ethical experience*: an experiential approach to thinking
through ethics, one that proceeds via the aesthetic experience, emotional
engagement, and cognitive understanding that cinema so richly provides.
Cinema’s power of perceptual fascination, emotional engagement, and
cognitive understanding give it a remarkable capacity to evoke ethically
significant experience with the potential to provoke philosophical
thinking.  ‘Cinematic ethics’ builds on the influential idea of ‘film as
philosophy’, that is, of film-philosophy as providing new ‘paths for
thinking’ that have ethical significance, that create new ‘syntheses’ of
thought and image with the power to exercise our moral imaginations, expand
our ethical horizons, but also to provoke thought.

The invited speakers at this symposium will address these and related
issues from a variety of philosophical, theoretical, and cultural-ethical
perspectives, explored through a wide range of cinematic works. Critical
and creative interdisciplinary inquiry into the productive relationship
cinema and ethics will be the key focus of this two and a half day event.

*Guest International Speakers*:

Lucy Bolton (Queen Mary University, London)

David Martin-Jones (University of Glasgow)

*Australian Speakers*:

Mathew Abbott (Federation University, Ballarat)

Chris Falzon (University of Newcastle)

Fiona Jenkins (Australian National University)

Angelos Koutsourakis (University of Queensland)

David Macarthur (University of Sydney)

Philip Martin (Macquarie Unversity)

Ted Nannicelli (University of Queensland)

Matthew Sharpe (Deakin University)

Robert Sinnerbrink (Macquarie University)

Jane Stadler (University of Queensland)

Please join us for this exciting two and a half day interdisciplinary
exploration of cinematic ethics. Attendance is free and open to the public
but an email RSVP is required for catering purposes:

Further announcements including paper titles and a draft timetable will be
circulated shortly. For all inquiries please contact Robert Sinnerbrink on
the email address cited above.

*Dr Robert Sinnerbrink*

Senior Lecturer & Australian Research Council Future Fellow

*Department of Philosophy  |  * Level 7, W6A Building
Balaclava Rd
Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia

*T:* +61 2 9850 9935*  |  **F:* +61 2 9850 8892* | <>*

Staff Profile
 Departmental Video
Academia Page <>

Forthcoming Book, Cinematic Ethics: Exploring Ethical Experience through
Film <>

Editorial Board, *Film-Philosophy*
<> Journal; Associate Editor, *Film
and Philosophy* Journal

Deputy Chair, Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy
<> (ASCP)

[image: Macquarie University] <>

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