UNSW Philosophy Seminar
Tuesday, 6 October
12:30 – 2:00
Morven Brown 310

Dejan Simkovic
“Hume’s Account of Moral Distinctions”

In this talk, I introduce a new interpretation of Hume’s understanding of the 
roles that reasoning and sentiments play in the apprehension of moral 
distinctions — that is, in the process whereby we become aware of how strictly 
opposite individual moral qualities like good and evil stand in relation to one 
another. I argue that moral distinctions are intuitively apprehended relations 
between moral ideas. To reveal this long neglected aspect of Hume’s account of 
moral distinctions, we must disentangle the meanings he attached to terms he 
used to refer to individual moral qualities on one hand, and ‘moral 
distinctions’ and ‘moral distinguishing’ on the other, all of which he used 
with a degree of looseness. This analysis of Hume’s language enables us to 
establish that Hume’s sentimentalist account of the origin of the apprehension 
of distinct instances of moral qualities is related to, but nevertheless 
separate from, his account of the origin of the activity of distinguishing 
between two such tokens. While the apprehension of moral distinctions depends 
upon the agent’s having a distinctively moral sentiment in the “breast” (THN, 
468-69), it also requires input from the imagination and intuitive 
understanding. Thus despite Hume’s sentimentalism about the detection of 
individual moral qualities — that is, his commitment to the claim that we 
perceive moral qualities like virtue and vice through feeling moral sentiments 
only (which must not be confused with his account of the complex process of 
moral evaluation) — his explanation of the apprehension of moral distinctions 
appears to be hybrid in nature, partly rationalist and partly sentimentalist. 
This argument allows us to fill a lacuna in scholarship on Hume’s moral 
epistemology, which has viewed Hume’s account of moral distinctions either as 
essentially sentimentalist in nature or as not clear enough to allow a coherent 

Dejan Simkovic is Associate Lecturer in philosophy at the University of Notre 
Dame Australia.  He received his PhD from the University of Sydney in 2015 with 
a dissertation on Hume’s ethics.
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