The Philosophy Department at Fudan University invites you to a talk by
Dimitris Vardoulakis
On the Ancient Origins of Materialism

16 June 2022
7pm Shanghai time
Zoom Meeting ID: 850 7213 0584
Password: 220616

After Marx's doctorate on atomism, ancient physics has appeared as the basis of 
historical materialism. But historical materialism is primarily concerned with 
praxis, not with natural philosophy. Marx does not address the practical 
philosophy of the atomists, especially Epicurus, other than in a few sporadic 
comments in his notebooks. In this paper, I will suggest that if we consider 
the relation between ethics and ontology in epicureanism, we will find a core 
similarity with the politics of historical materialism. Specifically, the 
epicurean conception of phronesis (or practical judgment) entails social 
agonism, echoing key Marxist concepts such as the class struggle. I will show 
how epicurean phronesis is a radical political concept in comparison to how 
phronesis is understood in the other major Greek schools of philosophy, such as 
the Platonists, the Aristotelians and the Stoics.

This paper is a continuation of the argument about the epicurean providence of 
radical materialism in early modernity that I have developed in relation to 
Spinoza (Spinoza, the Epicurean, 2020), as well as of unacknowledged origins of 
continental philosophy in materialism (The Ruse of Techne: Heidegger's Magical 
Materialism, forthcoming).

- - - - - - - - -
Dimitris Vardoulakis
Western Sydney University
School of Humanities and Communication Arts
Bankstown Campus, 1.1.70
Locked Bag 1797
Penrith, NSW 2751

tel: +61 2 9772 6808<tel:+61%202%209772%206808>
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