This is a good question; I just ran into exactly the same issue.

Here are the details of how this appears to work currently.  You can
customize the error500.php page for your project by creating a file in
your web folder like so:

However, let's say you have multiple applications configured.  In my
case I have a website application called "site" (rooted at, and a web services application called "srv" (rooted
at  Uncaught exceptions thrown by both "site"
and "srv" send the user to web/errors/error500.php.  I'd prefer to
have the option to either use a centralized file as it works now, or
define a different file for each application.

My workaround is to make a special web/errors/error500.php file that
does its own routing for this situation.  If SF_APP is defined, it
builds a hypothetical path to a custom error500.php file for the
application.  In my case, I want them to live at
web/APPNAME/errors/error500.php.  If that file exists, it includes
that file and exists.  Otherwise it just displays the content of the
error500.php file which follows.

I hope that helps you!  The code which I stuck at the top of
web/errors/error500.php is below:

if (defined('SF_APP')) {
    $custom_500_file = sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir')
        . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'errors'
        . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'error500.php';

    if (file_exists($custom_500_file)) {

David Brewer

On 8/27/07, Olivier Revollat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can I customize error 500 page
> (symfony_core/data/web/errors/error500.php) for different
> applications in the same project ... ?
> Thanks ;)
>  >

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