Martin has open a new ticket this morning on this subject.
I test it and the correction work fine !
Here :

On 21 sep, 09:01, Julien Levasseur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This plugin works very well in my dev environment.
> But when I am in the prod environment, I got a blank page when I
> created, update or delete an object. The blank page contains no errors
> and no source  .
> Here is my index.php and my app/frontend/config/settings.yml :
> Index.php :
> <?php
> define('SF_ROOT_DIR',    realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..'));
> define('SF_APP',         'frontend');
> define('SF_ENVIRONMENT', 'prod');
> define('SF_DEBUG',       false);
> sfContext::getInstance()->getController()->dispatch();
> ?>
> settings.yml:
> prod:
>   .settings:
>     no_script_name:           off
> dev:
>   .settings:
>     # E_ALL | E_STRICT = 4095
>     error_reporting:        4095
>     web_debug:              on
>     cache:                  off
>     no_script_name:         off
>     etag:                   off
> #test:
> #  .settings:
> #    # E_ALL | E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE = 2047
> #    error_reporting:        2047
> #    cache:                  off
> #    web_debug:              off
> #    no_script_name:         off
> #    etag:                   off
> all:
>   .settings:
>     use_security:           on
>     enabled_modules:        [default, sfGuardGroup, sfGuardUser,
> sfGuardPermission, sfGuardAuth, sfYUIPlugin, sfPropelAuditPlugin]
>     standard_helpers:       [Javascript,  Partial, Cache, Form,
> ObjectAdminPersonal, Date, Object, I18N]
>     i18n:                   on
>     charset:                utf-8
>   .actions:
>     default_module:         sfGuardAuth
>     login_action:           signin
>     login_module:           sfGuardAuth
>     login_action:           signin
>     secure_module:          sfGuardAuth
>     secure_action:          secure
> I don't find the way the resolve the problem.

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