notjosh wrote:
>> Propel is more than usable, it is stable. Not damned
>> fast, not as shiny as some would like but it works and that's all many
>> expect from it.
> Hehe, Propel 1.3 is roughly as fast as Doctrine (for basic tasks,
> anyway. Lazy/eager loading, complex joins, etc are ignored in this).
> But then again, both are slower than mysql_query(), right? Let's
> abandon ORMs altogether...? Thought not.
> At the end of the day, I think you should use what's comfortable for
> you. Either Doctrine or Propel will serve you well, I'm sure.
> It's nice to be spoilt for choice, really :)

Agreed.  But I'd go further and say that you should use the proper tool 
for the job.  Propel and Doctrine are tools.  Doctrine doesn't meet all 
needs just as Propel doesn't meet all needs.


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