Maybe a bit clunky, but if you store sessions in the database, you could use
an onDelete cascade and a trigger to rollback items in the users cart when
the session is deleted... not suggesting this to be implemented IN
sfShoppingCart, but for the specific implementation this could be a
reasonably quick, easy and effective solution

Part of the problem here is PHP's non persistent nature... with Java you
could just use a Quartz job :-/

The out of stock thing sounds like a reasonable compromise, and incentivises
the user to complete the transaction faster. Have a look and see how See
Tickets and TicketMaster do it, I think they reserve your tickets for a few
minutes for you to complete checkout... from what I can remember, See is 15
minutes, TicketMaster is about 3 minutes.

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 12 February 2008 08:55
To: symfony users
Subject: [symfony-users] Re: sfShoppingCart

The other way is to deal with it at check out. The frist user who
checks out get the item, all others will see a message 'out of stock'
when they hit the checkout button. This way you don't have to worry
about those items mentioned above.

So i'm looking forward to see other ideas and comments ...

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