[...] to ...dbo-something[...]: PDO, which is a native implentation in
php and seems to be faster than an additional abstraction
layer(creole) ;-)


On 25 Feb., 08:51, Richtermeister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> that would be something that I would be very interested as well..
> Anything to watch out for with upgrading propel? I read they switched
> from creole to ..dbo-something.. forgot.
> Thanks for any help,
> Daniel
> On Feb 23, 4:47 am, Pierre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Hi Fabian,
> > > If you want multiple counts, use custom sql.
> > > If you want objects with count, write your own doSelectJoin method
> > > that
> > > populates custom count attributes.
> > Actually I already did that. But I use sfPropelPager which is
> > manipulating the criteria, which causes invalid sql. So I'm looking
> > for an elegant way, but right now I'm mostly lost in the code.
> > > Last but not least, consider using Propel 1.3. Many bugfixes in
> > > propel are
> > > not backported to 1.2
> > At the moment I still use symfony 1.0.7. Can I upgrade to propel 1.3
> > without any difficulties?
> > Pierre
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