On 02/05/2008, Daevid Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What is the largest known site to use symphony? Can it handle hundreds of
> thousands of users? Can it handle millions of users/requests? (currently we
> do have a load balancer, two LAP web servers and two mySQL servers)

Yahoo answers uses symfony, which would indicate that yes, symfony can
scale.  However, like any other form of making applications, scaling
requires some engineering.

> I've never been one for using frameworks due to all the overhead, and
> already I'm noticing there are excessive SQL queries. Often times the same
> query multiple times on the same page! I'm sure some of this can be fixed
> with refactoring, or direct SQL, but this is also another problem I've

If the same query is happening several times on one page, you're
selecting the same data several times.  Also, make sure that when
you're using models that are joined to the model you select that you
use the doSelectJoinFoo (or even doSelectJoinAll) methods.


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