I´m developing an app that has a relationship m:n, one of the entities of
this relationship contains a compound key.
How can I show in an admin_double_list a listing of elements of the entity
of the compound key, filtered by one of their keys?

My schema.xml

<table name="sga_funcionalidad" phpName="Funcionalidad">
     <column name="id" type="integer" required="true" primaryKey="true"
autoIncrement="true" />
     <column name="sswi_id" type="integer" required="true"
primaryKey="true" />
     <foreign-key foreignTable="sga_sswi" onDelete="cascade">
       <reference local="sswi_id" foreign="id" />
     <column name="nombre" type="varchar" size="100" />
     <column name="descripcion" type="longvarchar" />
     <column name="es_activo" required="true" type="boolean" />

   <table name="sga_rol" phpName="Rol">
     <column name="id" type="integer" required="true" primaryKey="true"
autoIncrement="true" />
     <column name="nombre" type="varchar" size="100" />
     <column name="descripcion" type="longvarchar" />
     <column name="es_activo" required="true" type="boolean" />

   <table name="sga_rolFuncionalidad" phpName="RolFuncionalidad">
     <column name="funcionalidad_id" type="integer" required="true"
primaryKey="true"  />
     <foreign-key foreignTable="sga_funcionalidad">
       <reference local="funcionalidad_id" foreign="id" />
     <column name="rol_id" type="integer" required="true"
primaryKey="true" />
     <foreign-key foreignTable="sga_rol">
       <reference local="rol_id" foreign="id" />
     <column name="sswi_id" type="integer" required="true"
primaryKey="true" />
     <foreign-key foreignTable="sga_funcionalidad">
       <reference local="sswi_id" foreign="sswi_id" />
     <column name="created_at" type="timestamp" />

I want list funcionalidades by sswi_id

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