> can anybody confirm that nestedset from propel plugin 1.3 is working 
> correctly??
> I am getting exceptions
> Call to undefined method BaseUsers::makeRoot
> when trying to make root for model Users
> for example
>         $root = new Users();
>         $root->setUsername('test');
>         $root->setPassword('test');
>         $root->makeRoot();
>         $root->setScopeIdValue(1); // Tree 1
>         $root->save();
> where Users defined in schema.yml
>   users:
>     _attributes: { idMethod: native, treeMode: NestedSet}
>     id: { type: INTEGER, required: true, autoIncrement: true, 
> primaryKey: true }
>     username: { type: VARCHAR, size: '16', required: true, default: '' }
>     password: { type: VARCHAR, size: '34', required: true, default: '' }
>     fullname: { type: VARCHAR, size: '255', required: true, default: '' }
>     email: { type: VARCHAR, size: '255', required: true, default: '' }
>     description: { type: LONGVARCHAR, required: true }
>     level: { type: TINYINT, required: true, default: '0' }
>     active: { type: TINYINT, required: true, default: '0' }
>     lft: { type: INTEGER, required: true, default: '0', 
> nestedSetLeftKey: true }
>     rgt: { type: INTEGER, required: true, default: '0', 
> nestedSetRightKey: true }
>     scope: { type: INTEGER, required: true, default: '0', treeScopeKey: 
> true }
>     _indexes: { lft: [lft], rgt: [rgt], scope: [scope] }
It works for me like a charm. Check which class you are inheriting, 
probably you will find there something like:

/class Users extends BaseUsers {/

replace it wit

/class Users extends BaseUsersNestedSet { /
or something like that, not sure, writing from head. The same goes for 
Peer probably. Check what classes you have in "model directory"/om


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