Re patter:
Thanks for the idea, but I'am trying it now in action now and it doesn't work
$vs = $this->form->getValidatorSchema();
echo get_class($vs); // prints sfValidatorSchema
var_dump($vs['column']);// prints NULL :(
$vs['column']->setOption('required', true); // ends with Fatal error
Fatal error: Call to a member function setOption() on a non-object 

Re Kris Wallsmith:
Do you have an Idea how to use it? Any piece of code?

I tried to pass $this->validatorSchema as argument in sfValidatorCallback, 
that I call as preValidator. I can use it, I can set option required to true, 
but it seems, that it is too late to do it in this place.

In form:
myForm extends sfForm {
  public function setUp() {
        $this->validatorSchema['column']->setOption('required', false);
'callback'=>array($this, 'validateGroup')));
  public function validateGroup($validator, $values, $args) {
    // this pass without error, but column is not required
    $args['vs']['column']->setOption('required', true);
    return $values;

I tried also write custom GroupValidator which gets validatorSchema as option, 
but result is the same as with callback validator.

For now I didn't find a way how to validate groups. The only way is to write a 
callback for every group I have.


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