Thanks Sherif...

Could you please point me to some reference about bypassing Propel and
using Creole directly...?

On Nov 13, 4:53 pm, small <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sumedh,
> I have recently been writing Symfony batch scripts (1.0) to export
> large sets of data into Excel / CSV (over 200,000 rows). I hit the
> same issue over and over again.
> The only way I manage do solve this is by-pass propel in total. You
> can still use Symfony with Cerole and bypass Propel - this is what I
> did, so you still have a layer of db abstraction.
> I used unset() quite a bit, that helped a little bit, but still had
> issues. In your logs make sure you do some  number_format
> (memory_get_usage()) to see if the unset is actually clearing
> anything.
> Hope this helps
> Sherif
> On Nov 12, 10:35 pm, Sumedh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Friends,
> > I am getting a out of memory error in a batch script.
> > 1. I am using Symfony 1.0 on PHP 5.1.2
> > 2. I am fetching some data from table1, doing some calculations
> > (average, standard deviation etc.) and storing it in table2.
> > 3. There are no circular references as far as I can see.
> > 4. I tried using unset() on all possible places for arrays and
> > resultsets I am using, but the memory allocation goes on increasing
> > monotonically.
> > 5. My PHP memory setting is 24MB which should be enough, as the data
> > set is not very large. In one loop, I am handling only thousands of
> > records, not hundreds of thousands.
> > Does it have something to do with Propel? Can I call some method to
> > release memory after every loop?
> > -  Sumedh
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