None actually except the auto generated routes by admin module. I
already solved this by not using id as query string? But I have new
problem now, generated admin mods of symfony 1.2 throws an error while
in prod env but not in dev

500 | Internal Server Error | InvalidArgumentException
The "/sf_guard_permission/:id/edit.:sf_format" route has some missing
mandatory parameters (:id).
stack trace

    * at ()
      in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\routing\sfRoute.class.php line 210 ...
             207.     // all params must be given
             208.     if ($diff = array_diff_key($this->variables,
             209.     {
             210.       throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf
('The "%s" route has some missing mandatory parameters (%s).', $this-
>pattern, implode(', ', $diff)));
             211.     }
             213.     if ($this->options['generate_shortest_url'])
    * at sfRoute->generate(array(), '', '')
      in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\routing\sfRequestRoute.class.php line
98 ...
              95.   {
              96.     unset($params['sf_method']);
              98.     return parent::generate($params, $context,
              99.   }
             100. }
    * at sfRequestRoute->generate(array(), '')
      in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\routing\sfObjectRoute.class.php line
81 ...

It also appends .html to all generated links. How can I disable this
behaviour? Is there any workaround for the error?

On Nov 19, 12:15 am, "Kiril Angov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do you have any routing rules defined? I no longer seem to understand
> the problem you are having.
> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 6:10 PM, ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > that doesnt work either.
> > On Nov 18, 11:56 am, Eus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Hi Ho!
> >> --- On Tue, 11/18/08, ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > I have this in foo admin module
> >> > object_actions:
> >> >   sample:
> >> >     action: sample
> >> > then in actions.php
> >> > public function executeSample(sfWebRequest $request)
> >> > {
> >> > }
> >> > when i try to use link_to in sampleSuccess.php
> >> > link_to('Sample', 'admin/sample?id=1')
> >> > the generated url is /admin/1%2Fcreate/action_sample
> >> > how can i make it to route to executeSample and pass the
> >> > id?
> >> What about:
> >> link_to('Sample', 'admin/sample', array('query_string' => 'id=1')
> >> Best regards,
> >> Eus (FSF member #4445)
> >> In this digital era, where computing technology is pervasive,
> >> your freedom depends on the software controlling those computing devices.
> >> Join free software movement today!
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