I discovered that this issue can be 'fixed' (or rather, hacked around)
by explicitly checking for the existence of the class before calling
the callback.  In other words, this was failing:

$result = call_user_func_array("MyClass::MyMethod", array());

But, this works:

$result = call_user_func_array("MyClass::MyMethod", array());

Ugly, but at least it keeps me moving forward for now.


On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 1:21 PM, Lee Bolding <l...@leesbian.net> wrote:
> This sounds similar to an issue I had earlier this week. It seems that
> if you extend a class that isn't in the path (and hasn't YET been
> autoloaded), you run into problems.
> I need to do a bit more research to verify this, so maybe over the
> Xmas/New Year period I'll take a more thorough look at it.
> BTW, to solve white screen of death problems, try out my
> sfErrorHandlerPlugin here : 
> http://www.symfony-project.org/plugins/sfErrorHandlerPlugin
> On 17 Dec 2008, at 19:36, David Brewer wrote:
>> So, I'm working my way through the process of upgrading to symfony 1.1
>> and then symfony 1.2, and overall it's been going pretty well but now
>> I'm stuck on something which I think is related to autoloading and
>> callbacks.  The original symptom was the blank white screen of death.
>> I traced this down to a 'call_user_func_array()' call using a callback
>> to a method on a Doctrine_Record.  What's weird is that whether it
>> succeeds or fails changes depending on where I call it.  If I call it
>> directly in my action, it works perfectly.  However, I have extended
>> sfActions and my action is actually extending this intermediate class
>> (called 'restActions').
>> So, I'm passing the callback to a method defined in restActions... and
>> when I call it there PHP segfaults immediately.  However, if I have
>> already called the callback once before in the subclass (where it
>> works), then it works in restActions too.
>> This makes me think that maybe the autoloader can't find it for some
>> reason unless it has already been loaded?  If this rings a bell for
>> anyone and you can offer some insight on what to dig into next it
>> would be very much appreciated.
>> PHP 5.2.4 on Ubuntu Hardy.  Symfony 1.1 (was originally Symfony 1.0
>> project, in progress of upgrading).
>> Thanks,
>> David Brewer
>> >
> >

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