Right, after more banging of my head against a brick wall I found the

Whether because of how installation went or some other reason, the
various *.js files were not located at the place Symfony was looking
for them.  Solution was to create the directory and download Prototype/
Scriptaculous into the directory, clear the cache and everything is
now working.



On Jan 8, 6:15 pm, Simon Cast <simon.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I did some more testing.
> I disabled the jQueryReloadedPlugin and tried using only the Prototype/
> scriptaculous plugin.  None of those functions work.
> I turned the jQueryReloaded Plugin back on and it is working fine.
> There seems to be something wrong with using Prototype/scriptaculous
> in my installation.
> I have just upgraded to Symfony 1.2.1 and clear the cache and still no
> luck.  I would use the jQueryReloadedPlugin but it lacks the UI
> elements of the Protoculous Plugin that I want to use.
> Any suggestions as to what might be wrong or ways around the issue?
> Regards,
> Simon
> On Jan 8, 3:48 pm, Simon Cast <simon.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am currently developing an application using Symfony.  So far it has
> > gone reasonable well but I hit a snag today that has me stumped.
> > I have a form displayed on the screen and I am using the observe_field
> > () helper to make an ajax call to a function that updates a
> > calculation and returns the result to a partial to render a new chart.
> > I've reviewed the manual and the forum and as far as I can tell I am
> > using the helper right but nothing is happening when the form field is
> > changed.  I should point out here that I am observing multiple fields
> > (but not all) of the form.
> > This is the code:
> >    <?php echo observe_field('patronage_curve_type', array(
> >      'url'       => 'patronage/updatechart',
> >      'update'    => 'dynamic_chart',
> >      'with'      => "'curve_type=' + 
> > value&patronage_id=".$patronage->patronage_id
> >    ))?>
> > The element 'patronage_curve_type' is located in a partial that is
> > located before the javascript call in the template.
> > The following js files are loaded in the template:
> >  <script type="text/javascript" src="/sfJqueryReloadedPlugin/js/
> > jquery-1.2.6.min.js"></script>
> > <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/FusionCharts/
> > FusionCharts.js"></script>
> > <script type="text/javascript" src="/sfProtoculousPlugin/js/
> > prototype.js"></script>
> > I have
> > <script type="text/javascript">
> > //<![CDATA[
> > jQuery.noConflict();
> > //]]>
> > </script>
> > at the bottom of the page between the </body> and </html> tags (its in
> > the layout file)
> > I tried using manual javascript but still no joy in getting the
> > update.  I checked whether the problem was with the action by using
> >   echo 'ajax call made"
> >   break;
> > at the top of the action and this didn't produce an error message.
> > My development environment is Windows XP, Eclipse PDT.  I am using
> > Firefox 3.1 Beta 2 as the browser.
> > I've run out of things to try.  Does anyone have any idea of what
> > could be wrong or what I am doing wrong?
> > Thank you.
> > Regards,
> > Simon
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